Will Rocket League Trading Return?
In the past, Rocket League trading played a huge role in the game, and just like in many other online games, players had a chance to collect various Rocket League cosmetics, such as black market goal explosions, black market decals, car bodies, and many others. While gamers can still collect and use Rocket League cosmetics, in the past, players were able to buy, sell, and trade Rocket League items with each other, which has led to creation of a vibrant in-game economy, with real-life money involved.
While players can no longer trade Rocket League items with each other, there has been quite a commotion within the Rocket League community, with some gamers and influencers claiming that player trading is going to make a swifty return. This has led to a rise in third-party trading sites, which have become popular among players looking to buy and sell Rocket League items. These sites often advertise the lowest prices to attract buyers. Today, we’ll go over the facts we know and what you can expect in the near future in regard to Rocket League trading.
The Current State of Rocket League Trading and Its Removal
The removal of trading in Rocket League has had a significant impact on the game’s community. Many players have been eagerly waiting for its return, and the lack of trading has led to a decline in player engagement. The removal of trading was initially met with backlash from the community, with many players feeling that it was a step backward for the game. Despite this, Epic Games has maintained that the removal of trading was necessary to prevent cross-game item trading between Rocket League and Fortnite-related titles.
The current state of Rocket League trading is that players can no longer trade items with each other. This has led to a rise in third-party trading sites, which have become popular among players looking to buy and sell Rocket League items. However, these sites often come with risks, such as scams and account bans. As a result, many players are eagerly waiting for the return of trading to the game.
What Happened to Rocket League Trading?
Almost a year ago, on December 5, 2023 Psyonix has made the decision to completely remove Rocket League trading from the game. While players could still open crates and purchase cosmetics in the item shop, gamers could no longer trade with each other, effectively killing the Rocket League economy.
Although the game continues in a relatively unchanged shape, for many Rocket League players this change has been a shock. The in-game trade system allowed players to sell and buy Rocket League items from each other, as well as from third-party websites. Trading was more efficient when players traded items on the same platform, as cross-platform trading had limitations. This opened up an entire Rocket League trading world and many players became dedicated Rocket League traders, even making real money on their expensive Rocket League items.
After December 5 players could no longer trade items from their inventory, those who wanted to obtain new cosmetics either had to get lucky with in-game drops, or head over to the in-game item store, where the purchasable cosmetics would cyclically change, with new items appearing regularly.
Reasons for the Potential Return of Trading and Its Impact
There are several reasons why trading may return to Rocket League. One reason is the decline of Rocket Racing, a Fortnite spin-off that was a major reason for the removal of trading. With Rocket Racing entering a maintenance phase, Epic Games may see an opportunity to bring back trading to revitalize the game. Additionally, the community’s reaction to the removal of trading may have been a factor in Epic Games’ decision-making process.
If trading were to return to Rocket League, it would likely have a significant impact on the game’s community. Players would once again be able to trade items with each other, which would lead to a rise in player engagement and a more vibrant in-game economy. The return of trading would also likely lead to an increase in the game’s popularity, as players would be able to buy and sell Rocket League items more easily.
Is Rocket League Trading Coming Back with Epic Games?
The latest big update regarding Rocket League was the release of Fortnite Rocket Racing, a collaborative update between the two games available in the Epic games store. Over time Psyonix has also added new items to the in-game store, giving players some more choice regarding their looks. Still, many gamers were left disappointed, since they’re no longer able to trade items from their collection with other players. If trading returns, partnering with top payment providers will be crucial to ensure secure transactions for players.
However, rumors within the Rocket League community are saying that we might be getting Rocket League trading back! One particular YouTuber, by the name of pickapixel, claims that the newest update released in the game contains hints of Rocket League trading return. After the latest in-game patch, players who open the game for the first time after updating are required to accept the terms of service agreement again before they can play the game. While this might not be too shocking to most (after all, most of us don’t really read such agreements in-depth), pickapixel believes that one of the changes introduced to the agreement prepares legal grounds for the return of Rocket League trading.
One of the sections within the agreement that players have to accept specifically refers to a possibility of trading in-game items:
Psyonix allows you the limited ability to trade Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods with other users who lawfully possess the Software under conditions provided with the Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods.
This has cause quite a serious commotion within the community, and many players are eagerly waiting for their chance to once again trade Rocket League items.
Is Rocket League Trading Return Confirmed?
Currently, Psyonix and Epic have not weighed in on the rumors. We still haven’t received any confirmation regarding trading return, nor any details about a potential replacement feature. Still, its safe to assume that this change to the terms of service was no mistake or accident. The Rocket League community has been very vocal over the entire year about how disappointed they were with the decision to remove trading. There’s a real possibility that Psyonix has decided to listen to the gamers and deliver upon their unfulfilled hopes.