Best Rocket League Camera Settings
Although everyone will probably agree that in game like Rocket League skill is the most important factor in ranked matches, professional Rocket League players who hang around higher ranks will use anything that they legally can to get any extra advantage in the game. While you definitely need to practice, if you want to improve your Rocket League rank there are some additional measures that you can take to get an edge over other players.
The easiest way to do this is to tweak your camera settings. Here are the best Rocket League camera settings that you can use in 2023.
What Camera Settings There Are In Rocket League?
Before you modify your camera settings, it’s important to understand just what settings you can exactly modify. In Rocket League, camera settings include:
Field of View
The FoV settings in Rocket League allow you to modify just how much of the game world you will actually see in your field of view. For maximum control, you want to have the FoV as high as possible, in order to be able to spot your enemies coming in from behind or from your side.
Similarly to FoV, camera distance actually controls how far away from your car the camera will be positioned. Although for many players this is generally a personal preference, having a further distance of your camera can actually let you see more of the field.
This setting controls how far above your car the camera is positioned. Again, while this is a personal preference and you should keep the height on a level that makes it easier for you to hit the ball, generally keeping the height a bit taller can greatly improve your gameplay (though bear in mind this also depends on what type of car you use).
Camera angle, as the name might suggest, controls the angle at which your camera is positioned relative to your car. Generally, the lower value of this setting is, the easier it is to control your car.
While it might not be clear what this camera setting does, camera stiffness is actually quite easy to understand. Basically, this setting controls how closely the camera follows your car as you gain speed.
Swivel Speed
When you move the camera around in-game, you might feel a little delay. This is referred to as swivel in Rocket League camera settings, and the swivel speed setting controls how fast the camera moves when you move it around in-game.
Transition Speed
The transition in the name refers to how fast the camera will transition from being locked on the ball camera to a free mode. Transition speed is quite important, as in many matches you will most likely switch the camera mode multiple times.
Camera Shake
Camera shake adds a bit of immersion to the game, allowing you to ‘feel’ the impact your car makes. Although purely visual, many players enjoy the additional visual effect they get with the camera shake setting enabled.
What Are The Best Camera Settings?
Now that you know how the camera settings work in Rocket League and which settings you can modify, you can try and set up the best camera settings for you. Although camera settings are generally a personal preference and ultimately you should play with what you find comfortable, Rocket League is a competitive game and there is no denying that some camera settings can give you a clear advantage over other players.
If you’re thinking about tweaking your camera settings like a Rocket League pro, here is how to do it:
Field of View – 110
There is really no reason not to set the FoV to the maximum value available. If you look at what professional players do, none of them keep the FoV lower than 104. This is because higher FoV makes it easier to control what’s happening in the game and gives you a better insight into the game field. With a higher field of view, you will be able to see more of the game world, and in turn, play better.
Distance – 265
There is a slight difference between the distance settings in Rocket League and the in-game FoV. While the field of view setting extends how much of the game world you’ll see by widening your view, the distance setting controls how far from your car the camera is placed. Turning this setting up to its maximum value can in fact make it difficult for you to play, since the ball will appear smaller on your screen, meaning that aiming can become harder. Most Rocket League pros keep their camera distance values between 260 and 270, which should provide you with an almost bird’s eye view of the field, without taking away your aim.
Height – 110
Most professionals choose to keep the camera height on the default settings, although slightly increasing it won’t hurt. The reason for this is that the lower your camera is, the easier for you to see what’s happening around the field. If you increase the height too much, then combined it with higher distance settings you won’t be able to get a full look at what’s going on. If you feel like your camera is too low, however, try increasing the height a tiny bit and see how it feels in-game.
Angle – -3.5
Pro Rocket League players generally keep their camera angle between -3 and -4. Much like height settings in Rocket League, keeping your angle too high will prevent you from seeing what’s happening in front of you, while putting it in lower values will make it easier to see what’s happening further on the field.
Stiffness – 0.50
Many Rocket League pros are split over whether stiffness settings in Rocket League can give you any competitive advantage. Still, most players lower the default settings of stiffness, since keeping it high can actually make it difficult for you to control what’s going on as you gain speed. That is why keeping it halfway around the 0.50 mark is probably the best camera settings setting you can get.
Swivel speed – 5.2
The swivel speed is a highly personal preference and it also depends on the hardware that you use for gaming. If you’re playing with a gamepad, you’ll want the swivel speed slightly higher. However, if you’re using a keyboard with a high DPI gaming mouse, keeping the swivel speed to high will make your camera harder to control. Still, a higher swivel speed will make it easier for you to control what’s happening on the field. A middle 5.2 value is the average of what professional players use in their camera settings, so you can try this for yourself and see how it feels.
Transition speed – 1.2
While it might seem that having a high speed of camera transition between the two modes will give you better control of your car cam, the reality is that higher speeds of camera transition can cause some issues. For one, shifting it too fast can throw you off-course when you’re driving. In the worst cases, you might even get a feeling of vertigo. That’s why 1.2 is the sweet transition speed spot.
Camera shake – off
This one is simple. While a camera shake can give you some extra immersion, it’s at an expanse of your camera control. This is why for most pros only one setting is acceptable – turning the camera shake off.
To Sum Up
Although skill is what matters the most in Rocket League, camera settings can also have an impact on your game and are extremely important according to professional players. If you feel like you’re struggling in matches, try changing one or two settings and see if your experience improves.