Fire God Rocket League – The Best Animated Decal
Burning Your Way to Victory
Today, there are many online video games that give you a reason to spend more than one gaming session playing. First, there are games that require a lot of grinding to become viable in PvP modes. This means that to reach a competitive level, you’ll need to spend a lot of time doing the same boring tasks.
On the other hand, you have those games that require a lot of farming until you unlock the best equipment in the game. This time around, it means that you’ll need to kill the same bosses and mobs over and over again until they drop that “legendary” sword or shield. In both cases, the game requires players to invest countless hours to reach the top with the best items that it has to offer.
Unlike both of those types of games, Rocket League takes it in another direction. You can easily unlock the best stuff that the game has to offer without grinding for hours. Therefore, you could play against other players, and the only thing that matters is your mastering of the gameplay elements. Because of this, the game places a large emphasis on cosmetic items.
Without a doubt, the best-looking items in Rocket League belong to the Black Market group. For example, the Fire God Rocket League decal gives you an amazing effect that transforms all of your current chassis. This special effect gives a burning-like feature that moves constantly.
In this article, we’ll discuss possible ways to use visual cosmetics items in the game. We’ll also cover how to obtain the Fire God Rocket League decal as soon as possible for your Garage.
Customizing with the Rocket League Garage Options
There are many ways to “pimp your ride” and make it look awesome as you continue on your way to victory. To start it all, Rocket League allows you to pick the chassis, which is the Vehicle’s Body. This is the only thing in the Rocket League Garage that has an effect on the gameplay. Depending on the type of body, the hitbox tends to change as well. As a result, hitting the ball may become difficult or easier as you move around the arena.
Furthermore, you could add some items that let you increase the appeal of your car. For example, you could change the antenna, wheels, and toppers. Most noteworthy, some of the goods in this category have famous items from different unique trademarks. For example, on Xbox One, you could obtain some items that resemble the Halo theme.
Additionally, you have the chance to add amazing effects to your vehicle with interesting choices. This time around, you have the potential to change boosts, trails, goal explosions, and even details such as the engine audio. Without a doubt, with the rarest customization items in these parts of the Garage, you’ll easily impress other players.
Even the cheap Rocket League items will make a visual difference on the battlefield. Because of this, some Rocket League players will give their full potential to unlock as many items as possible for their account. As a result, if an opportunity comes along to add some of the rarest items (like the Fire God Rocket League), they’ll surely take it.
The Meaning of Decals in Rocket League
Besides the cheap Rocket League items, you have the best that the Garage has to offer with the items that belong in this category. Without a doubt, the Black Market decals will leave your vehicle in the best state when it comes to improving your looks. First of all, the common Decals give you the chance to add some peculiar images in different chassis parts. Furthermore, you can customize the looks by adding different colors for both the base and the decal.
Above all, the Fire God Rocket League decal is one of the best available decal options in the game. Since its effects appear all over the chassis, your car will surely look amazing with the flaming effect. Therefore, once you have it on your account, you’ll find it that it has practically no equal in visual effects.
What is the Fire God Worth in Rocket League?
The Fire God Rocket League prices tend to change according to the gaming platform that you use. Some special events can affect the market and tend to move the prices up or down. For example, at the moment, you can obtain a Fire God Rocket League decal for around 1250 credits in the Xbox One market. But, when a meaningful holiday event hits the servers, you’ll surely see some noteworthy changes in the Fire God Rocket League decal’s current prices. On the other way around, the PSN prices linger between 1500 to 1600 Credits.
It is worth mentioning that the ways to obtain the Fire God Rocket League are now less tedious than in the past. Before, you had the opportunity to gather any Black Market decal with the “keys and crate” combo. Indeed, you needed the Impact Crate and many keys for the Fire God Rocket League to obtain it. Now, since the Impact Crate or the Turbo Crate are no longer available in the current drops, you have other ways to obtain it.
Fire God Rocket League Trading Tips
At the moment, you have lots of options to obtain the Fire God Rocket League decal. Therefore, you can choose between:
Holiday Events: Through different dates in the calendar, you’ll have the potential to acquire special crates (for example, the Golden Gift or the Golden Lantern). Unlike the previous Crates, neither the Golden Gift nor the Golden Lantern needs any special keys to unlock their contents. As a result, gather as many Golden Gift(s) or Golden Lantern(s) in your account and open them for a chance to acquire the item.
Rocket League Blueprints: Similarly to the holiday crates, you do not need keys to unlock the Blueprints. Furthermore, once you obtain any of these items, you already know their contents. Thanks to this, when you acquire a Fire God Rocket League Blueprint, you can simply build the item when you have enough Credits.
Item Shop: Different Rocket League items share a spotlight for a short time in this part of the in-game menus. Indeed, when you have the chance to see the Fire God Rocket League decal in the Item Shop, grab it while you can. Similarly to the Blueprints, you’ll need Credits to gather the Black Market decal instead of using keys.
Trading with Other Players: This game gives us amazing tools to start a negotiation and trade with the rest of the community. But before you venture into this part of Rocket League, you need to know the Fire God price. Many databases over the Internet will surely share with you the Firegod price of the current gaming platform. As a result, when you know the Fire God Rocket League price, you’ll surely avoid getting scammed by opportunists. Above all, the market tends to change prices occasionally, which means that you always need to check before attempting any possible trades.
What Else Can You Do with the Rocket League Fire God?
Besides equipping the Fire God right away to your vehicle, you have other ways to take advantage of this Black Market decal.
First of all, you have the opportunity to gain some fame with the Fire God. Therefore, you could take screenshots or videos to show other players how it looks in your car or the arena. Indeed, you could use the aid from Youtube or Reddit to let the players know about your new Black Market item.
Secondly, if you feel like the Fire God isn’t enough, you could make a trade in the market and earn another Black Market decal or Credits. It would be best if you wait for the prices to go high before attempting any possible trade. As a result, search for the Fire God prices and the other items in different databases.